Thursday, February 17, 2011

Halt the Salt!!

Since beginning my fitness journey I have been gradually cutting back or eliminating things out of my diet. In general I am not a big meat eater so my three main concerns are dairy, sugar and salt.

I was quite surprised at how easy it was to cut down the sugar in my diet (especially since I own a Specialty Dessert company).   I'm trying to cut down on dairy but not all dairy. It seems that at times MILK does not always agree we with.  Not all the time, just sometimes??  And its not all dairy - just MILK.  I can eat ice cream and yogurt with no problem.  So Almond milk has become a staple in my house instead of dairy milk, I love the Almond Breeze Vanilla or Trader Joe's Brand.

Now I need to tackle salt.  I am the type of person who salts my food before even tasting it.  I don't have table salt I use the sea salt in the grinders.  I keep one in the kitchen and one on my dining room table.  After doing some research I found that Americans consume 2-3X their daily allowance of sodium. It mostly comes from eating out and prepackaged  foods. So I decided to take the Halt the Salt challenge.  This challenge consists of:

1. Eating no more than 1,500mg of sodium per day
2. Comparing nutrition fact labels and choose low-sodium items
3. Eating 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruit per day.
4. Spreading awareness and encourage others to take the Halt the Salt challenge
5. Letting food companies know that you want less sodium in your food.

So take the pledge to Halt the Salt and spread the word that a low-sodium diet can mean a longer, healthier life for you and your family.  Get involved today and make a difference!

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