Saturday, March 12, 2011

Muscle Burns Fat!

Muscle Burns Fat!! Ive been hearing this phrase continually since researching  and Starting the ChaLean Extreme fitness program.

You see I am not trying to be ripped or bulk up - just toned and lean. I originally stayed away from any type of exercise that used weights.  I  am not trying to loose a certain amount of pounds, I am ok with my weight, I want to loose a few inches, be toned, lean with a little definition, and to do this I would need to build muscle.  

So it turns out that muscle doesn't weigh more than fat... Muscle, however, is a denser tissue and thus takes up less room than an equal weight of fat. That's why it's possible to lose inches but show no changes in scale weight. Having more muscle means you have a more desirable body composition.. You may still weigh the same, but your body will look different, leaner, fitter and tighter. Though it may take you a few weeks to see measurable changes, you begin to put on muscle and burn calories from the moment you start exercising and eating correctly.

If you really want to burn fat FAST, pick up some heavier weights. Toning your muscles involves building your muscle and the more muscle you have the faster your metabolic rate at which your body burns calories. It is a scientific fact that when you lift weights and work your muscles to exhaustion, your muscles go through a process of repair that stimulates muscle growth. Because muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, increasing your muscle mass will increase your metabolism

So REMEMBER if you are doing any type of strength conditioning  - DO NOT PUT FOCUS ON THE SCALE! As you build muscle you WILL gain some weight, but it's not fat weight. Fat weight and muscle weight are two totally different things. Muscle weight forms and shapes your body and kicks up your metabolism!

I've been on the CLX program for two weeks and I already see a difference in my body. 

See you guys at the 30day check-in!